Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

36 Mother Love: The Kind of Love that Can Hold You Through Transition (replay)



Hello Dear One ... Every May I love to re-listen to and re-share this episode on MOTHER LOVE which I recorded in 2017, and the wisdom still stands... and the message still so needed for us all to hear, contemplate and put into practical action.  Mother Love is so much more than we think it is.) So many of us are feeling stretched - being called to make changes, expansions, trust. In times like you need more "mother love" - it's so powerful! MOTHER LOVE does not just come from your birth mother.  And since most of us aren't taught what that is or how to source it, I am replaying this Feminine Power Time. If you've never heard it, tune in. If you have, re-listen this is medicine and a message that will bring clarity, confidence and courage to you at this time.... Next week we will start our three part series on how we can tap into and focus our feminine creative power to birth, make and co create the world we desire to live in. For now, soak in the Mother Love. Much love to you xoxo Christine  "THERE IS A GREAT