Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Jaime O’Connor – Founder of Inspired Focus Digital, helping small business make big impact – Episode 198



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I am happy to introduce you to Jaime O'Connor, a digital strategy nerd who is dedicated to helping brands understand their growth opportunities in the digital landscape. I had the opportunity to interview Jaime as part of a PodMax event last month, and what a perfect pairing. In this Episode: Her windy path to building Inspired Focus Digital has included selling scrunchies in 4th grade, a grocery delivery business, a social enterprise that bled itself dry, and an event operations company The art of service How her agency Inspired Focus Digital is helping small businesses make big impact with digital marketing - and all her best tips in on how to apply it to your business Staying in your zone of genius as a CEO & entrepreneur through delegation & team building Shiny object syndrome and how it could be ruining how you grow & scale your business The big difference between hiring experts & consultants vs. figuring it all out yourself (not working within your zone) The risks &