Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Celeste Hartwell – Raising Up Divine Feminine Leaders – Episode 197



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I am happy to introduce you to Celeste Hartwell who is raising up Divine Feminine Leaders in our world. In this Episode: How the deaths of the people close to her heart pushed her to leave the security of her 18-year corporate job and explore the unknown The trauma & previous experiences mirroring the work that Celeste does today: helping women step out of the guilt & shame to experience emotional freedom The gift of feeling the emotions and the beauty of being friends with your body The huge role spirituality plays in every circumstance Celeste is experiencing How the choices you make can open up the spaces of possibilities, growth & expansion The birth of her Divine Feminine Leaders podcast and how it’s caused by the fact that the masculine culture affects the energy of women be in their flow After an 18-year career in corporate, Celeste Hartwell decided to jump off the ledge of safety and security into the unknown of entrepreneurship where she then fell into listening