Sermons By Ed

II John: True Love



Study Notes Ed Underwood 2 John True Love The message of 2 John—love is based on truth—is a timeless reminder to every Christian and every church. Truth and love cannot be separated: Now this is love: that we walk according to His commandments.... just as you heard from the beginning (2 John 6). The nine General Epistles point to the person and work of the resurrected Christ. They encourage Christians to cling to Him and exhort them to serve Him faithfully because He is the only source of life. Written primarily to persecuted Jewish Christians, the truths apply to every believer from every culture and in every age of church history. John was with the apostles who were in Jerusalem (Acts 8:14), and Paul calls him one of the pillars of the church (Galatians 2:9). And then, for decades he’s not mentioned. Early Christian tradition tells us he left Jerusalem just before its destruction in A.D. 70 and headquartered in and around Ephesus. In his later years he wrote the Gospel of John and three epistles,