Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

91: Could Body Image COMPARISON Be DERAILING You From God’s Purposes Over Your Life? How to Recognize.



Could comparing your body image to other women be derailing you from God’s purposes over your life? It is a privilege to bring on my first guest, Heather Creekmore! She is the author of Compared to Who and The Burden of Better. She has the heart to help women be free of comparison and to help them release the burden of it! In this episode, we talk about all things comparison including what happens to our relationships when we SETTLE with comparing ourselves to other people? Even to our own husbands. Wait what?? We talk about what we OUGHT to seek rather than comparing ourselves to others (I mention Rahab here so listen out for that). And assessing whether we have a "crab" mentality, amongst other goodies for you to bite into! If you are struggling because you bit the comparison bait just know that you are not alone! I still catch myself falling into that trap. The difference today is that the Holy Spirit has helped me to realize that comparison is simply a decoy from Satan. If you get anything from this episo