Ajahn Anan Podcast

Inner Wealth



In this videoconference talk from 7 May, 2021, Ajahn Anan discusses the 7 types of inner wealth and why they are so important. "The outer wealth, the money and gold, is not lasting, stable, or doesn't stay safe. Sometimes it may be taken from us. This wealth may disappear one day. It is possible. Or it may be a cause for its owner to get into big trouble. If the owner likes to boast, like they wear gold, or valuables on their body, ornaments around their neck or on their wrist. This may catch the eye of a bad person who comes to kill, or to steal it away from us.  So if we have wealth and we don’t know how to maintain it well, it could be a danger to its owner. But in regards to the inner wealth, there are many types. We call it supreme wealth, because it is far from enemies, there is no-one who can take it away from us."