Grey Muzzle Geekery's Podcast

Episode 016: Interview with a Pat-pire.



*EDITOR'S NOTE* At 37:04 in the episode, there's an intentional 'beep' to censor the name of the game Pat was talking about. It was done so for two primary reasons: First, because there are 2 games of similar names and it would be unfair to spread confusion and Second, the game in question no longer exists, so no reason to dwell on the past for long. Welcome to Episode 016 of the Grey Muzzle Geekery podcast for the week of May 27th, 2019!  This week, Dusty Red and Dustie White have a very special interview, their first Official Interview in fact, with the Dungeon Master of 'Loaded Dice Adventures', Pat! We talk about his history with the games he loves to play, some stories of the game he runs on his Twitch stream, and has some answers to questions that are made easier thanks to his years of experience! Be sure to catch Pat in his element behind the Dungeon Master's screen at 'Loaded Dice Adventures' every Monday Night at 7:30pm central!Special Shout Out to the &ap