Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

3 Tips to Help You Get out of Bed (What I Did) - #60



Honestly it was very hard to get out of bed today.Seeing as this was the main thing on my mind I thought it would be perfect to make an episode about it.Tip 1 – See the worst case scenario – Stockdale Paradox 1:00  Tip 2 – Rescripting your day Journal 5:30 Tip 3 – Try new things 6:30 -Use your creative thinking power. 7:20 – You cannot rely on the quick fix.8:30 – Don’t create a problem where there is no problem.   There is always opportunity, it’s just about seeing it and seizing it.It’s okay to lose the battle, but I’m in it to win the war.”