Trading Story: Trading Interviews, Tips & Inspiration For Newer Traders

102 - Tweaking Your Trading When Things Aren’t Working



What do you guys do when things aren’t working out for you? Whether that’s in a relationship you thought was supposed to be great, but it isn’t happening. Or maybe you tried a church or religion and it didn’t meet your expectations. Or perhaps a supposed dream job turned into a nightmare. And what about your trading? What do you do if you’re trading isn’t working as advertised. You bought into a system, but the system is generating negative returns. What do you do when that happens? Something like that happened this month in my trading. This episode of the podcast is about what I did when that happened. Take it for what it is. I’m a developing trader trying to make this trading thing work and podcasting along the way. But you may find something to help you along in your journey as well.