Trading Story: Trading Interviews, Tips & Inspiration For Newer Traders

100 – Finding a Trading Coach with Brandon Clay



I really appreciate Marko taking the time to interview me for the podcast. He was pro and I’m glad we had the chance to connect. As Marko mentioned, he’s a ‘face in the crowd’. And Marko may represent many of you guys out there interested in hiring a trading coach. Admittedly, this is one guy’s opinion. But hopefully it gives you another perspective as you’re thinking about going with a trading service or coach. As for the takeaway of the podcast – that would sound a little strange. Me pulling a quote from me. So instead of that feature, here’s your takeaway: "Take action already. If you’re just starting out, pick up a trading book. If you’ve read a book, go read up on stocks at Investopedia, or forex on BabyPips or anything on Tradimo. And if you’re ready to go beyond that, then some definitive steps in that direction."