Trading Story: Trading Interviews, Tips & Inspiration For Newer Traders

94 - Learning to Trade is a Bumpy Journey + Personal Update Jan 2016



A couple days ago, I had the privilege of speaking with another podcast listener. This guy, who will rename anonymous and who happens to be from Germany. I have a special affinity for Germany. I’ve only been to Germany one time, way back in 1990 just after the Berlin Wall fell. My family and I were visiting Austria and we were in Saltzberg. We had the chance to checkout Berchtesgaden, just over the Austrian border in Germany. That was where Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest was located. Being a history buff I was pretty stoked about going and the visit did not disappoint. The trip up the mountain was pretty foggy, so I didn’t see all the spectacular views that I’m sure were there, but it was a great experience for a teenage kid enamored with anything related to European history. I haven’t been to the cool cities yet like Berlin or Munich yet. Maybe one day. Anyway, this listener had a great comment about learning how to trade. He said ‘learning to trade is a bumpy journey’. Like me, he’s been at it a few years and still