Crazy Juicy Love With Jimmy Allen

When you don't forgive, you are punishing yourself.



Here is why forgiveness is important When you forgive someone, you forgive yourself. When you forgive someone, you release yourself out of victim mode. The majority of us are reliving out our childhood trauma or trauma daily. And guess who suffers, not only you but the people you love. When we experience trauma of any kind, sometimes it manifests within our bodies. "Our bodies keep score." Our bodies remember, and we react, so we are still holding on to the pain that we do not need to hold on to. The people in our lives never get the best version of you because you have trained them to back off you. Some of you are single because you have not forgiven your ex, and you use your past as a shield, and no one can get to know you or the best of you. It has you not the other way around. Forgiveness frees you. It frees you from the cage that YOU are keeping yourself in and no one else. You! Forgiveness helps your health. Negative emotions rob your energy and take a toll on your body, mind, and spirit. Anger, anxiety