Restore Podcast

Restore-Episode 64-Derek Morris - Julie MacLafferty - Gervon Marsh: Reconnect



For episode 64, we're dropping a special edition that was recorded during Florida Conference's Virtual Camp Meeting in April 2021. The theme, "Reconnect," was the panel discussion topic I led for the Sabbath School program.Over the course of the past year with the pandemic—and currently, to some extent—many people have felt, to various degrees, disconnected with their community. In some cases, that means disconnection from their church. So how do we reconnect?Dr. Derek Morris, President of Hope Channel International and keynote speaker for Virtual Camp Meeting 2021, takes part in the panel discussion along with Julie McLafferty, associate pastor at Forest Lake Church, and Gervon Marsh, Florida Conference Pastoral Ministries north area field associate, who has joined me on this podcast several times.I hope you will find this conversation helpful and hopeful as we seek to be more intentional in connecting and/or reconnecting with Jesus and the mission He's given to us as His followers.S