International Waters

Ep 110: Peanut Butter Possibilities



Lauren Lapkus, Kurt Long, Lucy Porter and Sunil Patel join host, Dave Holmes for discussions on dog marriage, holiday themed pickup lines, and truly bizarre movie names. Lauren Lapkus wants to plug With Special Guest Lauren Lapkus and recommends the Natch Beaut podcast. Kurt Long wants to plug Dudes of Future/Past and recommends Tila Tequila's YouTube channel. Lucy Porter wants to plug her upcoming tour and recommends Desiree Burch. Sunil Patel wants to plug Why is Harriet Crying and Borderline on Channel 5 and recommends The Delightful Sausage. And finally, Dave Holmes is on Twitter @DaveHolmes and hosts his live quiz show, The Friday Fortyat LA’s Meltdown Theatre on the second Friday of every month. Dave would like to recommend The Line of Beauty by Alan Hollinghurst. You can let us know what you think of International Waters and suggest guests through our Facebook group or on Twitter. Written by Riley Silverman and John-Luke Roberts, recorded at MaxFunHQ in LA and GuiltFreePostin London, produced by Jennif