Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 124, When Things Change



Humans like to know what is going to happen. We like routine, structure and doing the same things.. because it's predictable, we know what to expect, and we don't have to constantly scan for danger. Because of this we might be feeling a little unsettled right now as the US starts to open back up and we have more social engagements, travel opportunities, or as we go back to work and being around more people and commuting. A lot of you have been working on how much you are drinking and you might have noticed an uptick in drinking more or are worried that you won't be able to stick to your new non-over drinking habits as you become more social. This podcast episode addresses these changes and gives you some tools to make sure you recognize what might be triggering you to want to drink more or worry about drinking more. Tune and and make sure you stay 'in-tune' with yourself so you can recognize triggers before you start drinking more than you actually want to.   Stop Over-drinking and Start Living: The CONFERENC