Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Mary Ann Littler – Leadership Consultant Supporting Remote Healthcare Villages of the Amazon – 097



I’m thrilled to bring you today’s Extraordinary Women Radio guest – Mary Ann Littler – as we have worked and played in connection and collaboration for years! Mary Ann is a friend, has a been a client, and we served on the American Diabetes Association board together. In addition, Mary Ann serves on my advisory board for Extraordinary Women Connect. She’s an extraordinary woman that I’m honored to call a friend. Mary Ann has been doing some amazing work in Peru, supporting the health care system in the remote villages of the Amazon… which she’ll share in the interview today! Her stories about travelling into these remote villages to make a difference are touching. We jam about the life transformation that Mary Ann has journeyed through, and dive into the importance of honoring people – their gifts, their skills and their dreams – and how good leadership can impact people’s lives both professionally and personally. She is the CEO and Founder of Peak to Peak Business Strategies – providing executive & busine