Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Michele Ashby – Changemaker On a Mission to Get 1000 Women on Corporate Boards – 096



Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio guest is Michele Ashby, a woman on a mission to get 1000 women placed on corporate boards. She is the President and Founder of ACE LLC (Ashby Consulting Enterprises) & CDI LLC (Corporate Directors Int’l). Currently, there are only 2 women for every 10 board seats sitting on corporate boards across the US and Canada. Michele is on a mission to change this – to bring that ratio into a 50/50 balance, and to do it in a much faster timeline than that of our current trajectory of change… which, as she shares with us in this interview, would take 70 years! I believe in her work. We talk about her personal journey to public boards – working in two male-dominated fields – mining and finance.  Michele has served on six corporate boards over 18 years and is currently an Independent Director for McEwen Mining Inc., MUX:NYSE, and MENE Inc., MENE:TSXV, as well as a subject matter expert on corporate boards, a key note speaker and an executive business consultant. She interviewed 200 wo