Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Dr. Nicole Gruel – Author of The Power of NOTEs: Non-Ordinary Transcendent Experiences Transforming the Way We Live, Love, and Lead – 093



Today's Extraordinary Women Radio guest is Dr. Nicole Gruel, an author of The Power of NOTEs: Non-Ordinary Transcendent Experiences Transforming the Way We Live, Love, and Lead. Nicole is an author, a speaker, and a transformational coach who descends from a long line of samurai. How cool is that! I loved Nicole from the moment I met her several years ago, shortly after I had read her book Women of the Wise Earth. Nicole was one of the first women I reached out to blindly on the internet saying, “I’d just like to know you more.” We Skyped and it was the beginning of a dear friendship. In that call I shared my own poem that had been inspired by her book - Circle of Sisters. And I shared a seed of an idea that came to me in writing that poem. What if... we took the principles of her book Women of the Wise Earth – women connecting in circle, in nature, in ritual – grounded in the chakras – and created a global movement. And we both said yes. Together, we wrangled up women from around to world to join us in a