Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Leah Song: Singer and Songwriter of Rising Appalachia – 089



This week's Extraordinary Women Radio interview is with Leah Song, one of the singers and songwriters of Rising Appalachia. Two years ago as the seeds to this podcast were being planted, I made a list of about 20 women I’d love to interview on Extraordinary Women Radio. Rising Appalachia was at the top of my list. There's something to be said for writing down your goals, my friends! The harmony of Leah Song and Chloe Smith, the founding sisters of Rising Appalachia, has a sense of deep rootedness, playful exploration, and inspired action. Their sound and message, suggest that voices and traditions, brought together through song, may be one of the saving graces to a world in distress. As someone who loves music - is touched by music - I feel their work is so important. In a time when the fabric of our communities and culture often appear to be unraveling, their interweaving of music and mission, old traditions with new interpretations, creates an atmosphere of contagious hope and bliss. Leah tells so many