Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Petra Kolber: Best Selling Author of The Perfection Detox – 088



This week's Extraordinary Women Radio interview is with Petra Kolber, the best selling author of The Perfection Detox. How often do you have that inner critic voice show up - you’re not enough… smart enough… thin enough… strategic enough… whatever enough…? Petra is on a mission to help us all remove the idea of our not enough-ness - because we are enough! One of the pillars of the work I do with my clients is to help them master their mindset. To recognize what’s stories are showing up ... what fears are stopping us … how are we playing small. Petra’s work on detoxing from perfectionism is brilliant. When we’re stretching into a bigger presence in our brand and visibility, we want to show up at our best – and perhaps what we perceive as our perfect best. But as Petra so eloquently shares with us in this interview, is that people are attracted to our imperfections, not our perfection. Our imperfections make us real. It makes us relatable. “You can’t grow from a safe space. It’s just impossible.” - Petra Ko