Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Deberah Bringelson: Profit-Producing Business Growth Expert Integrating Quantum Physics in her Work with her Global Clients – 086



Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio guest, Deberah Bringleson is a profit-producing Business Growth and Empowerment Expert who uses Quantum Physics to grow businesses. And she’s having incredible success! Deberah will be one of our Circle of Inspiration panelists at my January 22 Extraordinary Women Connect Gala! Join us there to meet Deberah live and in person! Deberah is best known for her creative ingenuity and leadership while negotiating the Virgin America deal between Sir Richard Branson and Arnold Schwarzenegger, for which she received the “Steal of the Year” award, for the deal that never should have happened. She is an internationally recognized Business Development and Empowerment Expert. Her awards are many: She has been named “Most Influential Woman In Business” – Silicon Valley three times, has been honored by the U.S. Congress for her body of work, plus many others. She helped increase one company’s revenue $602 million in 12 months and another company’s revenue $56K to $13 Million. Her propri