Beyond Birth

Ep. 97 The Essence of Flo with Berrion Berry



“If your period was your lover, what would it say about your relationship?” - Berrion Berry So much of what we understand about our menstrual cycle is based on science- but in today’s episode we learn how looking at the synergy of spirituality and where that meets science, is ultimately how we can come to a deeper understanding of our menstrual health, our bodies and our own mindsets (and yes- relationship) when it comes to our periods. Sharon sits down with Berrion Berry, a Menstrual Health Educator, and Certified Integrative Health Practitioner, as they discuss: How period pain is often a symptom - not a cause - and how we can use that knowledge to reverse engineer our way to the actual root cause for true and proper healing. Why mindset is so important when it comes to healing and our overall menstrual health - and how a negative mindset can often manifest itself into having worse period pains. How the stigmas and societal conditioning surrounding menstruation have led to a serious disconnect from our