Colored Pages Book Club

Tab Kimpton & Jade Sarson's "Ambrosia: Trans Masc & Non-Binary Erotic Comics Anthology"



THE TIME HAS COME! That's right, the 2021 Summer Short Series is among us!! We'll be kicking off our summer shorts with a steamy intro into the ~erotic~ with the amazing trans masc and non-binary comics anthology, Ambrosia! Within the pages lie 16 wonderful tales of pleasure, sexual exploration, self-actualization, and magic and we are beyond excited to discuss!  Intro/Icebreaker Question*: 1:59 - 24:06 Plot Summary/Discussion: 24:36 - 59:50 Wanna stay afloat on all our latest episodes? You can find the links to our Twitter (@TheColoredPages), Instagram (@TheseColoredPages), Website (, and Reading List here: .You can also reach us directly by emailing us at .Come say hi!!  *Lastly, for your reference, here are all of the sex-positive works referenced during the icebreaker question: Yes Means Yes!: Visions of Female Sexual Power and a World Without Rape Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power Risk! Podcast Pleasure Activism: Th