So You Wanna Sell On Ebay

084: So You Wanna Sell On eBay - Rich Siok



Rich and his wife Nila have been selling on eBay since 2001. They have owned a commercial sign business for 20 years. They realized many years ago the power of e-commerce and with help from their sons began to pursue this new world. They currently have 2 e-commerce websites and sell on both eBay and Amazon. After many years of selling online, they now teach others to sell on eBay. They have had a Meetup group in Chicago since 2006 for anyone interested in selling on eBay, Amazon, & their own website, etc. They're Meetup group has approx 1200 members. Rich began the ecomChicago Conference which has been held in Chicago area for the last 3 years. This event will be held this year, 2016 on October 21-22. This conference is for sellers of all levels and all platforms. Interesting Notes The couple maintains three websites. One is for their eBay and Amazon business which is Appealing Signs. Then another for their yearly eBay conference which is ecomChicago. The third is for their education training for eBay w