Deathcakes Podcast -

I Mini The Fool 2.0: Episode 4b - DCP Rasslin: The End Pt. 2



[Endcap, Pt. 2 of 2 - Recorded one night after SummerSlam] Having already named his favorite entrance themes from the late 80s/early 90s in a past episode (see Deathcakes, Episode 20.5), illy adds several more from the late 90s and modern-day to round out his list, while Jay listens. illy then releases some World Wrestling Ventilation regarding the SummerSlam PPV and some of the mishaps of WWE creative he's witnessed over the past few months, praises NXT, and ultimately invites anyone who's been away from wrestling to come back and give the current product a shot. Words from a born-again wrestling fan, in the finale of DCP Rasslin!