3 Minutes With Kent

if statements and "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it"



Good morning or afternoon or evening friends, I wanted to talk today about a saying that my wife has I think when my kids grow up they're gonna remember my mom always used to say this and and so what she says is we'll cross that bridge when we come to it now, of course this isn't like an original saying but she just says it a lot and what she's saying is that she doesn't want to make these decisions right now or use up the mental energy to decide whether or not. She wants to let the kids do a certain thing or whatever and I've taken to saying it myself, um and what I'll often say is if you want me to answer now, I'll just say no so why don't you wait until I'm able to think about this but it was I was thinking about this in the context of programming and that's kind of what doing calculations within an if statement or the right side of a ternary operator something that's kind of what that's like, so sometimes I will have a block. Of code where I'm doing some calculations and then I have an if statement that s