3 Minutes With Kent

TypeScript is testing



https://kcd.im/trophy https://kentcdodds.com/blog/eliminate-an-entire-category-of-bugs-with-a-few-simple-tools TypeScript is tests. Tests are type script. So type script is just a way to give yourself more confidence. Sure, it helps you in your workflow, it makes you a faster as you're developing because you have autocomplete and stuff like that. And testing does the same thing as well as you refactoring, you know that you didn't break anything you get a much faster feedback when you you're running your tests as you're working on things. And both of these also make the initial code take longer. So it takes more time to think.About the types that you're writing takes more time to actually write the tests. And they can also be an enormous time sink where you spend a ton of time working on a task or a ton of time working on the on the types and then you've later realized that you don't need that code at all so you just throw all that work away. So, I I find that typescript and testing are way more related than t