
293: 6 daily habits to boost self-esteem



In this episode, we chat about the habits that lead to stronger self-esteem. The actions that build more confidence and help you to let go of self-doubt.Low self-esteem stops you from pursuing your dreams. It makes your ambitions smaller. It keeps you in fear and stops you from experiencing your full potential.Stuff we talked about…Doing yoga helps you get out of your head and back into your body and heart. Any kind of joyful movement, whether it’s a dance, exercise or a walk in nature.Let go of your ego by doing acts of kindness. Stop thinking about me, me, me. When you’re doing something good for someone else, you really can’t feel crappy about yourself.Meditation is a time to be present with yourself, slow down your thoughts and bring more awareness to them. Doing guided meditations helps you welcome in a certain feeling.Roll the shoulders forward up, back and down. When we are aligned in our posture and our heart is open, we suddenly feel confident. Try this 15 Minute Better Posture Yoga Class o