
(IN)Excess Week Edition



"This week we discuss the current trend in pan-Asian-fusion cuisine, aka KFC (I’ve seen more than one restaurant use this clever acronym), or Korean fried Chicken. Basically any Asian/ Tapas inspired menu that caters to a young, affluent crowd interested in a carat cocktail program will one staple dish, Korean double fried chicken. Don’t get me wrong, it’s delicious and probably one of my favorite things to order, but it’s on EVERY menu now. Excessive? You be the judge, I have sauce on my fingers from all this chicken and can’t type about it any more. We also wanted to discuss an important topic, and that is, food safety when traveling abroad. You’re excesses can get you into some serious stomach trouble. Sure Hanabi, take an excessive amount of our listeners time to give them a cold Soba noodle recipe. Insane Dane to the rescue! Just when you couldn’t be any more scared about eating safely while traveling, Insane Dane wants to make you feel bad about all the food food waste you’re wasting. Oh