Worldbuilder's Anvil

Season 2 Episode 28 Mommy’s Interview Revisited



Today's Topic – The world is a darker place My Mommy passed the day 5/8/2021 a day before Mother’s Day. I still struggle to talk about this. So I want to share my mother and her wisdom one more time with the world from episode 154. You want to learn more about a wonderful mother please check out her obituary. Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunesFor complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to  Podcast Show Flow 1.      Are you an orc or an elf today? 2.      Talk about first memories of worldbuilding. 3.      Make up other stuff to push the conversation. 4.      Convert Mother into an orc, No she will always be an Angel   Michael's Resources Use when shopping online to help support the show Were alive Podcast Links ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Visit Show notes )))))))))))))))))))))))))   ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Mentions links )))))))))))))))))))))))))