Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

93: Who Says You Need to Love Your CELLULITE? SELF-LOVE & SELF-WORTH? With Stefanie Gass!



Raise your hand if you love your cellulite! Let me reword that. Did anyone ever tell you to “just love your cellulite”? I was interviewed on The Stefanie Gass Show and I’m sharing it with you all in today’s episode. Some hot keywords we talk about are self-love, self-worth, and of course cellulite! And... if you always wanted to know what does it mean to treat your body like a temple then listen out for what I share when Stefanie Gass asks me this precise question. It’s NOT what you think ;-)! I know so many of you will hear the Holy Spirit speak to you personally in this episode. He definitely did to me! QUESTION OF THE DAY: Considering your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, what is one way you can treat your body better? Stay Courageous for Christ, Jaclyn P.S. This podcast is free and shareable! Please pass this on so that other women can know God’s truth when it comes to the topic of health, body image, self-worth, and more! ************* Need accountability touching on fitness, food, or faith? (It’