Beyond Birth

Ep. 98 The rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship



Entrepreneurship is a roller coaster ride - everyone who has been on the journey knows that well. Filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, and surprises around every corner, it can certainly be an uphill battle to get to the pinnacle at the top (this will also look different for everyone).  What’s often presented online are those “pinnacle moments” of entrepreneurship - a highlight reel of the successes - and not so much of the hard days. It’s messages of reaching $10K+ months, images of sitting on the beach with a laptop on hand, and always being available for your family and friends.  The truth is though, it’s the hard days and moments of uncertainty that the trail to success is littered with. And we don’t often get to see those moments- the behind-the-scenes struggles that it also takes right along with the successes, for those entrepreneur goals to be met.  Today’s episode is about the good and bad that comes with being an entrepreneur, as Liz and Sharon discuss their own personal entrepreneur journey