Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Three Fruits to Hold Onto From Christmas - #67



Christmas Fruits There are many things that we feel in greater abundance during Christmas time and then we may or may not bring them with us.Joy in Family TimeIn quarantine we got to spend a lot of time with family, and now hopefully you are spending a lot of time with family now.Be thankful for the family that is still hereYou will only pass this way once. I think joy is a lot easier to feel when you have a better perspective on things.The time really is so preciousMy dad wanted to come. This to me showed how he valued being useful and spending time with his sons.GenerosityMy brother and I were there and we were treated very well. We were able to eat pretty much anything they had.Surprising People and being kinder than they thought you would be.I was beating myself up because I thought I had not brought my chargerMy cousin bought a kit that I could use so I could have a charging thing for my laptop.LoveThose whom I serve and reach out to I always come to love and appreciate more.I talked with a dude when the