Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Start Building a Vision For Your Life - #55



It is vital (whether you are young or old) that you have a vision for why you are doing what you're doing. Here are just my quick thoughts on the matter. Hope it is useful. Why 0:30 – Physically and spiritually seeing1:59 – An internal GPS for your soul2:30 – Another reason to do Benefits 3:35 – Envision the days ahead Helps 6:12 – Somebody’s vision of you can help you keep moving forward6:40 – They can give you binoculars7:12 – Often keep up what you’re doing is the answer.8:10 – Being a coach for yourself – Helping yourself stay on track 9:05 – You can improve your vision beyond where you thought before.