Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

5 Lessons Learned From Writing My First Book! #46



Starting back around June 25, 2019 I started gathering thoughts to write my very first book! Last Monday I released it on Amazon (and it still needs some work for sure) and I wanted to share some things I learned from the journey. This will all help me tons for when I write my next books.1. Don't edit as you write - You need to have a skeleton to work with that you can flesh out.2. You Can Write Very Fast - You'll get faster over time as you are consistent. 3. A book positions you as an expert - People usually highly trust someone who's written a book about their experiences. It shows you have more than just surface level understanding.4. It's okay to start with garbage (low value writing) - Sometimes you have to get the yuck out before you get to the good stuff.5. It's a deep training for your mind - I feel so understood while I'm writing. It's very powerful.Get My Book / Join my Email List! - https://dallin-candland.ck.page/c79a9687e8 Support it on Amazon - https://www.ama