Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Living a Y.I.E.L.D. Today Life - 5 Steps - #25



Wow! Are we really on episode #25 already? That's amazing! This past week has been extremely influential for me. I've been keeping track of how I've spent every single hour of my day since April 5, 2020. One thing I did last week was I had a really good mentor call with my Uncle Mark and from talking with him I knew I needed to do another episode talking more specifically about Y.I.E.L.D. which is an acronym that I try to live by. :)So I pulled back the curtain, did some deep diving, and came up with these 5 pillars of living a Y.I.E.L.D. Today kind of life. Hope you enjoy and that this is inspirational in some way. Thank you for following and sharing the podcast. Be sure to subscribe and stay tuned it really helps! Also don't forget to follow the podcast on Instagram! :)https://www.instagram.com/YIELDTodayWithDallinPodcast/1. Purposeful CreationI have to start here by mentioning my love of God. When I was in high school and was struggling to see myself in a more positive light I always ha