Iron: The Official Podcast Of Sierra Bible Church Reno

Strangers & Aliens: Brought Near DISCUSSION - Sermon Q&A



Join Jacob, Cassidy, and Karl as they answer your guys' questions about Karl's most recent message: Strangers and Aliens: Brought Near (Ephesians 2:12-16). If you haven't heard the message yet, check it out here: sure to send any QUESTIONS or FEEDBACK to!Quickly Find the Segments You'd Like To Listen to:0:00 ► Introductions1:28 ► Karl's Overview of Last Sunday's Message2:57 ► Beginning of Questions Segment           - 4:09 ◊ How are believers supposed to handle device issues without going to the extremes (suppression and division)?- 6:42 ◊ What does unity because of the cross look like, practically speaking?- 12:10 ◊ What is a Christian's role in politics?- 16:15 ◊ Can you give an example of when you've seen two warring parties come together in unity?- 20:27 ◊ If unity is such a big deal, then why has the church been so divided for the past 2,000 years?- 29:59 ◊ How do we make a distiction between unifying under the cross vs