3 Minutes With Kent

Fixating on fixing rerenders



https://kentcdodds.com/blog/fix-the-slow-render-before-you-fix-the-re-render https://kentcdodds.com/blog/colocation https://epicreact.dev/improve-the-performance-of-your-react-forms Hello there friends. So today somebody shared a lightbri with me and I assumed that it was just a library to help you track rerenders. But it turns out it's like a state management library and that helps you avoid rerenders but my initial reaction and thought about tracking re-renders is the tools like that. I think lead people to jump directly to the natural and obvious solution, which is often not the best solution and I'm talking about memoization. So when,If you're tracking rerenders and that's how you measure whether something's faster or not you're gonna say, oh well this component didn't need to rerender so therefore. I will apply the re-render hammer to solve this problem and that is react memo. And then you have to use memo or use callback all the things that you pass to it. And that spiders in into the rest of your code