Impossible Podcast With Joel Runyon

17: How To Schedule Quarterly Retreats + Planning For Your IMPOSSIBLE Goals



In this episode of the IMPOSSIBLE Podcast, I share my process for doing quarterly planning for my personal IMPOSSIBLE goals, how I split them up into four quadrants and why I've started implementing a "retreat" or trip into the entire process.Feeling stuck on your 2018 Goals? Fix that today and join the initiation.The Initiation is a 6 week bootcamp designed to get you out of your mind and into your body to test yourself and jumpstart your 2018 goals if you've hit a snag.It's open the rest of this week and the program kicks off on Monday. Let's do this.=> The InitiationSupport The ShowLeave a Review oniTunesStitcherGoogle PlayIMPOSSIBLE GEAR - - Save 10% with promo code: PODCASTIMPOSSIBLE NetworkIMPOSSIBLE HQ (blog)IMPOSSIBLE Gear (apparel)IMPOSSIBLE Podcast (podcast) (philanthropy)MoveWell App - Your personal mobility coach.Get stronger, recover faster, and feel better in less than 15 minutes/day.Free to download => MoveWellApp.