Everyday Strong Radio

077 Overfunctioning



This week I dive into the concept of overfunctioning, which is when we use tools, skills, and know-how from one aspect of our life and apply it to a different aspect of our life, except it’s not needed.  If you’re a teacher, it looks like interacting with your kids or partner as a teacher instead of a partner or mom.  If you’re an accountant, it looks like making sure everything is in balance and all loops are closed in other areas of your life, not just on the spreadsheet.  It’s the brain’s way of taking what has worked in the past and applying it to the situation at hand, and while it seems like it would be helpful, it often causes a ton of unnecessary stress and drama.  The thing is, overfunctioning is something I’ve done a lot in my life, and I bet you have too…..all unknowingly.  Tune in this week to learn more about what overfunctioning is, how to tell if you’re doing it and how to use a more useful strategy instead.