Ajahn Anan Podcast

The Great Compassion of the Buddha



In this videoconference talk from 4 Jun, 2021, Ajahn Anan answers a few questions about certain events in the Buddha's life and what we can learn from them. "The Buddha had metta and compassion to walk to teach the son of a goldsmith, named Cunda, to become a sotapanna. And the Buddha went to teach the last disciple, the ascetic who became the Ven. Arahant Subaddha. He had made a determination to be the last arahant monk. So the Buddha walked the journey, which was something no one else could do. The Buddha travelled having diarrhea (dysentery). Where would he have the strength to travel? But the Buddha had effort and resolution, along with the parami of the Buddha, so he could do it. If it was any other person, they would have died along the way. It would not be possible to walk that distance."