Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Truck Stops Ripping Off Truckers



TRUCK STOPS RIPPING OFF TRUCKERS. Does America even know what truck drivers are charged for just a bottle of soda at a truck stop? For that matter, do ordinary people know what a truck driver is charged just for every day items that he/she may need? Truckers are many times held hostage by a truck stop. They have no where else to park and shop at an every day normal grocery store, so they are forced to pay truck stop prices. Johnny Acid recently went in to a truck stop to buy a bottle of head n shoulders. The price was just under 12 dollars. The average bottle at Walmart ran about 6 to 7 dollars, making the truck stop price double. It ids very common for a truck driver to have a bill that is double and some times even triple the normal price on the market. When you drive a big rig, you may not park in most common parking lots, such as Walmart, Target and many other shopping stores. Most of the big name common stores have a tow policy if a semi truck is caught parking in their lot. Many truck d