
self-care, it’s important but what is it?



We skipped a podcast episode last week as we were in Canberra, once upon a time we would have been like “we’re failures” because we let everyone and ourselves down. But now, we’re way kinder to ourselves. We go with the flow, we’re more flexible. We forgive ourselves. And this is the perfect introduction to today’s episode as self-forgiveness is a form of self-care.In this episode, we chat about the importance of self-care and what it really is.Stuff we talked about…Self-care is different for everyone and it’s different every single day. Your self-care might be to relax. Or to push yourself and take action.Self-care is tuning into what you truly need and desire in life. It’s living your truth.If there’s one thing you can start doing as part of your self-care practice, it’s taking a moment to tune in and connect with yourself, whether it’s sitting, having a cup of tea, walking in the sunshine, reading a book or doing yoga. Doing these things help us better understand ourselves.Setting your boundaries is the ul