Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Jaime Aelavanthara- constraints, cyanotypes & students



Welcome to the episode 138 of photography insights, the show that interviews people from the photography world.  I'm your host Andrew Walmsley and today we are hop over the ocean to Florida in the United States.  When we talk about cyanotypes, I think of our friend Jonah who actually introduced Jaime to myself.  But traditionally with cyanotypes we think about small 4x6 style prints and flowers or leaves.  Well Jaime has a really different view on this and it's why I found her work so interesting.  Jaime Aelevanthara is an assistant professor at the University of Tampa.   As Jaime would put it "her work explores themes of the human condition and an interconnectedness with nature".  So looking at her images and projects you will see foilage, trees, water, leaves combined with her love of alternative processes like cyanotypes and gum bichromate.  In fact we discuss her project "palace of leaves" which was shot during COVID.  Also we discuss the problems around