Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

158: The Power and Practice of Intentional Creativity for Thriving in Our Times, with Shiloh McCloud



We have huge misunderstandings of what creativity is, and how relevant and essential it is to every sector of our society, our economy, our wellness and happiness and our families. Creativity is not just about making a painting or a piece of ‘art.’ Some of the greatest thinkers and scientists have also said what the artists and sages have always known - imagination and intuition are more powerful than the intellect. It's our capacity to imagine and tune into a more expanded field of consciousness that inspires us, illuminates possibility for us, and both heals, awakens and empower us.   Yet, if you look at the over-culture we live in, wow, it's set up to keep us from this primal, innate creative power. Our schools have cut back on creativity as part of core curriculum, instead they are over-focused on memorizing and accepting conventional thought and scientific proof as the only reality.  Women’s creativity is often diminished into “arts and crafts”, scrapbooking or a nice “hobby.” And most people don’t see t