Everyday Strong Radio

078 Being Clear



Today’s episode is about being clear. It’s something I’ve been practicing since I joined my business Mastermind a year ago. And it’s a skill I’ve been having my 1:1 clients sharpen more and more each week. But what does it mean to be clear? It means cutting through all the mind drama and deciding something. This may sound simple at first blush, and the idea of just deciding is simple, but it’s not always easy. Why?  Because for most people just deciding something is scary. The brain will tell you, you don't have enough information to make the decision. Or you don’t have any evidence the decision will work. It will say, slow your roll, little lady….what do you think you’re doing or who do you think you are deciding something like this? And that question is what plagues many of the women I work with. In some areas of life it’s easy to be clear.  Yet in other areas, like say, what you’re going to do with the next 30 years of your life now that your kids are gone….it can be paralyzing.  Tune in this week to learn