Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

3 Insane Gems From Playing the Long Game vs. the Short Game in Life - #82



Today we talked about playing the patient long game or being a bit less patient and thoughtful and the differences between each in these three categories:VisionRewards NetworkHere's the interview I did on the Run Your Day Podcast if you're interested! I really enjoyed being on his show: Run Your Day with Dan Hafner - Ep. 309: Dallin Candland - The Game You'll Never Win...When you work on the long game you get that long term vision. Looking ahead is wise and helps you keep going strong.When you work on the short game you have short term vision. This is good but it is not sustainable if you want to build something that will last - like momentum or continued growth.I am planning on stopping my little personal Thursday episodes after episode 100 come April.It is insane to me that we would be hitting that crazy number come April!For now I anticipate that this would be wise, especially if I want to continue to improve the podcastI could see myself having another podcast or something down the line but