Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

J Jason Lazarus - Electrons, Gameboys and inspiring others



Welcome to episode 139 of photography insights and I'm your host Andrew Walmsley.  This is the show that interviews people from the photography field from across the globe. Today I'm really excited to share with you another great force in education and photography.  J Jason Lazarus is an educator at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.  Not only that but Jason loves interesting alternative or historic processes and having fun.  You can tell from our conversation he is really in to his ability to educate others and keep pushing forward.  He teaches the history of photography and talks about the importance of updating his students with his own work.  It's all about motivating others but keeping up to date and pushing yourself. Jason is also part of an "untapped group" where the idea is to meet up in person and provide encouragement and critique for people's images.  There are so many different projects Jason has worked on, from Mordançage, to chemigrams, cyanotype or shooting