Miss Kat Mae

Do you care what other people might say or think about you? Especially when it comes to certain life goals, school, job, relationship...



What are they going to think about me if I start my own business? Do you care what people are going to think if you leave your job? Get out of that relationship? Go back to school? Launch your business? Do the opinions of others run your life? Are you worried about what other people will think if you make certain life decisions? Reflecting on these questions and how are they serving you? Are these questions hurting or helping you? Is this other person someone you look up to and feel like they are in a place in their life where you also want to be? Are they in the same career, making the same income, and also do they have the values that you believe in as well? Quick session with Coach Kat.  Message me if you need an accountability partner or someone to help you with the mindset to get started, but also sustain towards your goals! Message me. ❤️