Eat Green Make Green Podcast

Episode 113: Avinoam Lerner & Addressing The Subconscious Mind



“Medical treatment is designed to address the physical. The body is treated, but at their core, people feel untouched, unchanged. It is just as important to treat the person within the body.”On this week’s episode of the Eat Green Make Green Podcast I sit down with the amazing Avinoam Lerner. Avinoam is a renowned mind body interventionist who specializes in cancer and addiction recovery. We talk about how seeing a grieving woman as a child shaped his life path, why most western medicine approaches don’t address who the person is at their core, how our childhood experiences shape the narratives we tell ourselves, how our subconscious mind and programs impact our health and wellness, why he thinks meditation sucks, why he uses hypnotherapy to access and reprogram the subconscious mind, why we must transcend the Newtonian and mechanistic view of illness, why there is no one size fits all for healing, why his method is intended to let people spend less time in therapy and more time living their lives, why how